Thursday, August 8, 2013

Grammie visits!

Grammie spent the weekend with us last weekend! She couldn't help herself and gave the boys an early birthday present...a huge popcorn maker! I am going to get in touch with their school and see if we can bring it up there next week for their birthday!
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While Grammie visited...

We spent time at the pool and took bike rides and devoured popsicles...
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We read stories and went to see Turbo...
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We played in the sprinklers...
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And even managed to fit in some good old fashioned child labor.
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After Grammie headed back to PCB, we loaded up the kiddos and went on an adevnture. Drove all through the country, took backroads to Andalusia and Florala...stopped at a lake, and left quickly (felt like we were on another Budweiser commercial..hey, you can't win em' all) and a random picture of me at the movies (The Conjuring...clap clap!!) with our office staff. The reason for the picture is because I ordered a slurpee. She asked what size, and I figured, hey, a 2 hour movie...go ahead and give me a large. Well, $9.00 and 200+ ounces later, I got my slurpee. Seriously. It should have come with a forklift and a warning. We are still talking about my grand treat... :)
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All in all, it was a nice, relaxing weekend!