Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rainy 4th...and 5th and 6th...and 7th!!

It rained. and rained. and poured. and rained. We were STUCK inside for 3 1/2 days...with barely any let up from the dark skies above. Not fun for little kiddos that have tons of energy. So, we got creative and built forts, went to the movies to see Monster's University, shucked corn, went for drives in the country, watched movies, took baths, cooked and cleaned and threw in some laundry for good measure....

We colored...
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And snuggled...
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And played with Mommy's phone...
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And fell asleep in Mommy's arms...
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And built a city out of Lego's...
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And swinging, baseball and dinner outside, between the storms...
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And traced our bodies with chalk in the muggy garage...
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And drove to the beach and watched people play volleyball in the rain...(everyone was stir crazy at this point!)
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And on the evening of the 4th, right after we put Jack down, the rain actually stopped and we were able to set off backyard fireworks! Brody and Wade loved every second, but were bummed we didn't get to see any fireworks "high in the sky". Next year boys...come hell or high water.
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This years 4th of July wasn't anything exciting or anything I had pictured in my head...but we were lucky to log many hours together as a family!

God Bless the USA! (Jack saying the Pledge of Allegiance at school)
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