How in the world, is it even possible, that our baby boy is 21 months old today?? Jack is possibly the fastest and most coordinated little squirt I have ever seen. He is kind, loves to cuddle and loves to share. He is reckless and carefree, but is still gentle and has the sweetest soul. Is very adventurous and seems to have no fear, but is cautious around new people. He has finally gotten over his fear of men and will even give one a high five...hehehe. He as decided that doing somersaults off of the couch is a brilliant idea, as well as jumping from the couch to whatever other piece of furniture or person is around. He would prefer to do most things on his own and is turning into such a big helper. Sweet boy wakes up around 5:30a-6:00a every morning, but does not start calling for Mommy or Daddy until about 7:00am. Think he enjoys the peace and quiet :) He loves to repeat all words and is happiest when all 5 of our family members are in the same room.! Jack is still infatuated with fruit snacks and wants to sit in a big boy chair, instead of his booster seat, just like his big brothers. He can use his utensils like a pro, but still enjoys throwing his food on the floor and feeding Miller and Buckley. He loves our dogs, can climb up stairs without a hand or railing and love to dance and march and sing songs. We are constantly working on sharing and taking turns, undoubtedly spending lots of time in "time-out", when not being kind and reinforcing the ultimate importance of love. He can help get undressed and take off his shoes/socks and think it's the greatest thing on earth to be naked. He enjoys story time, bath time and loves to eat snacks. He enjoys kicking, rolling and throwing balls. He prefers to play and dance over watching TV any day, which makes this Momma happy! He talks ALL of the time. Never stops...especially in the car. He also enjoys bossing us ALL around and he kind of runs the show at the Harrell house!! Loves the water and has the most surprised and joyful expression after every time he goes under. He still wakes up in the best moods. Jack is quite the observer, taking it all in and studying everybody's emotions, reacting to them accordingly. He is understanding right from wrong and testing those theories on Mommy and Daddy on a consistent basis. He loves to wear ball caps and could dance til the cows come home. He is spunky, full of life and always on the go...our little JackJack, Jackie, Jickers...we love you!
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