My sweet, my dear, are as funny as they come. You are sneaky and witty and love to play fast. You love to spin and dance and get your feelings hurt easily. You are quick when there is a reward, pout when things don't go your way and have perfected "the stomp off" when you are told No. I occasionally find you snuggled up next to Wade, on the blue chair in your TV room, when you think nobody is watching. Your "Beary" remains a constant, all other toys coming and going as you tire of them. You prefer a shower to a bath and cereal over a traditional dinner. You still ask for a sippy and you still love for Momma to help you get dressed. I oblige, because I know my days are numbered in you needing help...You are funny, love to laugh and love to be surrounded by people. You have more energy than me & Daddy put together, and we're often heard to be shaking our heads and pondering "Where on earth does he get all his energy from?" If only we could bottle it, a teaspoon every morning would at least give me a slim chance of keeping up! You get overly excited about everything...just like me...and live life to its fullest! You are my sunshine...on a cloudy day...
A typical Brody picture...forced, goofy smile. That's my boy.
My sweet, my dear, are as sweet as they come. You are intense, smart and love to be challenged. As a matter of fact, you can figure out any puzzle or game we set in front of you. You are kind, love animals and you have a special place in your heart for this Momma. Your feelings are hurt easily, and you already hold a grudge. You are persistent, picky and the worlds best snuggler. You are happiest when surrounded by all of your Rescue Bots and you know immediately if one of your brothers has swiped one. You are so fast and coordinated and have great balance! You lose your patience quickly when it comes to us teaching you things, because, well, you want to “do it yourself”...You are quick to learn, happy to teach others and prefer to spend time alone. You are quirky, sensitive and have an old soul. You are clever little cookie and I'm not sure where it comes from, but you absolutely have to be first at everything, and suffer dreadful melt-downs if you're not. I can only hope that this competitive spirit is one of the traits that gets you where you want to be in the future. You still get me each and every time, when you all of the sudden appear in our bedroom, "Momma, Daddy...please tuck me in, snug as a bug...". You are my innocent boy...bright eyed and full of wonder...
My sweet JackJack...You, my dear, are as "all-boy" as they come. You are rough...and tough...and take the world by storm every opportunity you can. You are a gift. You are hard, fast and give the biggest, puckered up kisses, this side of the Mississippi. You scream want you want, over and over until you get it. You love my hip and would love to stay perched on it as long as I will let you. You try to keep up with your big bros, constantly have a bruise or scrape on your face and are absolutely heart broken when B and W won't let you in their room to play. The way you throw a football, baseball and basketball amazes us! It’s like you were born with the natural talent to aim and throw. You run goofy as all get out though and get frustrated when you cannot keep up with the big kids. You are independent, but shy. You are loud, but clam up around strangers, practically sticking your whole fist in your mouth when you are nervous. Your smile has already opened doors and paths for you that most will never have the chance to walk through. You are a breath a fresh are my baby...
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