I spent the weekend in Pensacola for Maggie and Doug's wedding and Todd got to spend the entire weekend home with the boys!! I accidentally took the car seats with me...so he was not able to leave the house, so they really bonded! oops. I felt horrible, but the weekend flew by and I was able to return, with the car seats, early Sunday morning!! I called Todd on Saturday morning, and he said, "I have to go, I am gonna mow the lawn, wash the dogs and I am cleaning up the house and doing laundry...". Needless to say, I was speechless! What an amazing husband and Daddy the boys and I have! They finally got to meet one of my best friends, Kelly! She was here for the weekend from New Hampshire, pregnant with her 2nd baby... Wade decided to take his first steps, while holding on to a toy that moves, as soon as his Mommy was out the door. He wanted to show his Daddy what a big boy he is!! Todd got the whole thing on video on his phone and sent it to me on my phone...thank God! What did we do before cell phones?? Brody is actually trying to crawl on his knees, instead of doing his personalized army crawl. Personally, I think he will skip crawling and just start walking...he is pulling up on toys and furniture. Only time will tell though, because as soon as we have them figured out, BAM, they throw us for a loop!! Ahhh, the joys of having children!

Keeping the boys groomed is a daily task in itself. 2 diaper changes all day long, 2 struggling to get the boys dressed, 2 trying to get them undressed, 2 trying to clean them after snacks and meals, 2 baths, 2 jammies, constant nail clippings...you can imagine!!
Look how hard it is to keep the squigglers in my lap while cutting their nails....I think they think it's a game to see who can get away from Mommy the quickest!
And finally, here are a few pics from the absolutely gorgeous beach wedding! Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Dasinger!