Jack LOVES to feed himself. Loves the baby mum-mum rice rusks and the Gerber puffs and the boy loves to eat just about anything we feed him! If I do not shovel it in fast enough, he starts whimpering, and when he really likes the food, he claps between each and every bite! I think his most favorite is turkey and rice or sweet potatoes and his least favorite is banana(isn't this normally every babies favorite beginner food??)...
Just me and my baby...a glimpse into 1 minute with the little, happy piggy!
I absolutely adore this age!
Monday, January 16, 2012
1 minute with Jack
Posted by Carly Harrell at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 12, 2012
My boys at 3 1/2 years old...........
Oh my my, sweet boys. You both came into my life almost 3 1/2 years ago and I really cannot imagine what in the world we did before you two. I can remember vividly the first time I held you both...you literally took my breath away! You both have gone from little toddlers, still needing help with everything and weary of the world around you, to confident little boys, ready to take on the world single handed! You both understand enough of the world now to interpret it and make your own choices. From making decisions for you guys, we now have to guide you to differentiate between what’s right and wrong. Those boundaries are tested on an hourly basis. Oh, the joy of 2-3 year olds!!!
Wade: You, my little peanut, have developed into a strong minded little one, who tends to follow the beat of your OWN drum. You excel in most areas we challenge you with, except potty training. You were completely potty trained at the age of 3, but then, you were sick for a week with a horrible stomach bug, and the #2 portion of the training regressed. You are slowly starting to go again, but only in your own time. I know you will get there, but the mean time needs to hurry up! You have a special place in your heart for your JackJack and love to cuddle with Buck and Miller. You hate mornings...actually, you rarely wake up happy. I think this is because you are ALWAYS woken up by Brody...the days that you are able to wake up on your own, you are in a much better mood! You tend to gravitate towards familiarity and routine, are intense but silly and your feelings are easily hurt. You play hard, are quick on your feet and love a challenge. You still despise all veggies and fruit, love blueberry applesauce and sausage biscuits and ALL snacks. We try to keep you healthy by vitamins and juices that are loaded with fruits and veggies…but you are extremely picky! Wade, you have a very loving soul…always the first to kiss a boo boo or “tell” on yourself when you have done something wrong. You have started this little pouting thing, where you pout your lips and tilt your head onto your shoulder when things do not go your way. You love to giggle and dance and your most favorite thing to do is a puzzle…your determination and perseverance is amazing…something I hope you never lose! You love to read books, be the first to say blessings and prayers and can “do everything by yourself”! You are turning into a gorgeous little dude, who fills my heart with sunshine and I am so very proud of you each and everyday!
Brody: Sweet BB…you are one of the funniest people I know, without even trying! The statements and sayings that come out of your mouth are legendary…almost like you are a little adult, trapped in a 3 year olds body. Your facial expressions and body movements kept me laughing each and everyday! We call you “Bossy-Boots”, a name you have acquired in your little life, as you are VERY bossy. I think this trait has been passed down from Mother to son, but I love who you are and think you will end up “in-charge” one day. You still find comfort in your dog and bear and I personally think you will have them for a very long time. You are always the first to fall asleep, the first one awake and are ready to take the world by storm the minute your feet hit the ground! You love to tattle on your brother, always let me know when Jack needs his paci or his diaper changed, and tell me you love me 30 times a day. You love to sing songs, are extremely goofy and you could color and paint til’ the cows come home. You love almost ALL foods and will try anything put in front of you. You sure do have a sweet tooth though…cookies, candy, chocolate, ice cream….you name it and you love it! You are patient, perceptive and never stop talking. You are stubborn, shy, and always share with your brothers. You are quick-witted and remember everything! I am thankful for the little man you are turning into and so proud to call you my son...please do not ever stop shinin' that grin and making me laugh!
You both still love to do “naked baby”, get excited easily and love to help with anything that involves Jack. You can dress and undress yourselves, put your dishes in the sink when you are done eating and drinking, and love to vacuum! You guys cuddle and hug, but wrestle and fight as well. You play well together for the most part, but occasionally have to be separated for obvious reasons.
You both love to bathe yourselves, and still HATE having your hair washed. BB-the way you throw a football, baseball and basketball amazes us! It’s like you were born with the natural talent to aim and throw. You run goofy as all get out though and get frustrated when anyone beats you…You would spend hours on end, learning and repeating any sport until you get it just right. Wade-you are so fast and coordinated and have great balance! You lose your patience quickly when it comes to Daddy teaching you things, because, well, you want to “do it yourself”! You both will eventually understand the importance of sportsmanship, that you will not always be 1st or the winner and that practice really does make perfect!
Life is full of choices and you both have already started making your own…I wish I could live life through both of your eyes…living life for the moment, without a care in the world. No boundaries, minimal fears, without judgment or hostility, sweet and pure innocence, knowing that a hug and a kiss will make it all better. Please do not ever lose your sense of wonder, sweet peas!
Posted by Carly Harrell at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Spur of the moment...
Didn't have much time for pics...but managed to snap a few at Tom Brown on Saturday morning:

After a kid filled lunch at Black Bean and naps, we headed over to visit our twin friends, Thomas and Gracie! I wish more than anything that our kiddos could grow up in the same town...

Thank you Garber's for your hospitality...
Thank you Christie, Colleen and Stacey for meeting up with us at the park...
Thank you Mitchell's for topping off our weekend with your gathering!! Until next time friends!
Posted by Carly Harrell at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Merry Christmas...a little late!
Christmas was magical this year! It was not only Jack's very first Christmas, but the boys really got into the Christmas spirit...and really believed. They believed in Santa...They believed in Pete the Elf...They believed in the nice and naughty list (Now what do we have to bribe them with?)
We started off Christmas break with a party at school. I think Wade ate about 12 chicken nuggets and 4 cups of grape juice and Brody shoveled in as many cookies and cupcakes that he possibly could, before anyone noticed!

The next morning, Christmas Eve, was my birthday! I awoke to B and W running to me with their card that that made especially for me. They sang me Happy Birthday and Todd made us all breakfast. We followed tradition and Nana and Gator came over and made homemade ruebens...my absolute favorite and spoiled me with many thoughtful presents!!!

After the kiddos woke up from their nap, we switched gears and were in full Christmas mode! We made cookies for Santa and carried them carefully over to the fireplace:

We sprinkled food for the reindeer...

And read the Night Before Christmas...I think Santa was extremely good to the Harrell boys this year!!

Jack normally wakes up earlier than the boys, so when he woke up on Christmas morning, we fed him, changed him, started a fire, made coffee, then woke up the sleepy heads! Their little faces were priceless...oh to be 3 years old again!

Do you see in the bottom right picture, where Todd is holding up spices? It is his favorite BBQ spice...called BUTT rub. Well, when the boys asked Todd what he had just opened, we both looked at each other and giggled, because, as you all know, we do not say BUTT in our home. We say hiney. Just sounds better coming out of the mouths of babes, in our opinion. So, even though Todd was dead tired, he didn't skip a beat and told them he had received HINEY rub from Santa. They erupted in giggles!

They could not wait to get on those bikes and pedal! You see how Wade is wearing a helmet and B is not? That's cause his big ol' noggin wouldn't fit into the helmet santa left him. We even went out the next day and purchased a 5+ year old helmet, and what do you know, too darn small...all that means is that my big headed babes are extra smart! (Thank God for C-sections!) So, we are going to head to the actual bike store and get him measured!

Sweet baby JackJack...thank you so much for being ours. We are all head over heels in love with you and LOVED spending your first Christmas morning, watching you take it all in...You are rolling ALL over the place, love to play peek a boo and you even clap! You can feed yourself little biscuits, hold your own bottle, love your paci, are VERY vocal...always saying nananananana, bababababababa, mamamamamamamama and singing your little lungs out! You are always smiling and giggling and you sleep 12+ hours a night! Your brothers love your tremendously and the feeling is mutual! You are an incredibly content little one, as long as you can see a person...doesn't matter who it, as long as you hear voices and know someone is with you...that must come from having 2 loud and silly brothers that are always entertaining you...Love you to the moon and back Jickity Jack!

Nana and Gator then headed back over to deliver the gifts that Santa left at their home!

After the craziness subsided just a bit, we all got ready, loaded up the car and headed over to PCB to celebrate with the Harrell's and Mimi! Pop's spent a whole week making a 'winter wonderland' for all of the kids to enjoy on one side of the garage...they were so excited and spent so much time in there, playing with their new toys and with the train:

Our 24 hours spent in PCB was so fast. I literally blinked and we were back at home :(

Thank you to ALL of the Santa's out there...(Nana, Gator, Grammie, Pop's, Aunt Lowie, Uncle Tom, Cousin Jon, Aunt Allie, Uncle Scotty, Cousin Caden, Grandmother, Mimi, Aunt Marilyn, Uncle Andy, G-ma and G-pa Orr, Aunt Gail and Cousin Karen...the list goes on and on!)You helped to make this Christmas special and one to remember!
It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth!
Posted by Carly Harrell at 1:36 PM 0 comments